Each application kills within 30-60 minutes the tick on site. Your rate of re-entry determines the program you choose below. MOST homes we service in the 2025 season will be a 5 time program due to the high rodent activity this year.
Our trademarked made in Connecticut USDA Organic certified product consists of a custom blend of organic wood oil and an organic sticker. The ONLY RESPONSIBLE NON-TOXIC CHOICE for families with pets, children and wetlands!
Property size is determined by a commercial software system similar to Google Earth. We do not offer partial treatments!
GreenSprays USDA Organic certified and OMRI certified Mosquito & Flying Bug spray may be added to any tick service at a fixed price of $45 from 0 to 1 acre.
The Triple Spray program aims at reducing the tick population and offers an ongoing barrier against ticks in all stages of the ticks' lives.
What makes our sprays unique? Our applicator will use a high powered commercial sprayer and shoot with enough force to hit 30 to 40 feet into your wooded areas, disrupt brush piles where ticks hide and mist lawn areas! BACKPACK SPRAYERS DON'T CUT IT!
Your property is sprayed on a triple, five or eight time program. This NON-TOXIC, KID SAFE formula dries within 15 minutes and it is safe to enjoy your yard by the time we leave.
In spring the spray is targeting the larval & nymph ticks who require 2 blood meals to grow into adult ticks. They can get the blood from adults, children, pets, deer, chipmunks and mice, where the disease begins.
In Summer the spray is targeting all life stages who may have re-entered or have been re-introduced to your property by pets, chipmunks, deer, etc. Nymph ticks are very small and usually infected through mouse contact.